Monday, November 1, 2010

The End of October

Hello everyone!!! I do hope all of you had a good All Hallows Eve. I know the Legion certainly did but that is a story for another time!

It has been such a busy, busy month! though I cannot say for sure, I do BELIEVE there may have been some time manipulation to fit everything in, shhhhhh. I know I, for one, have been trying to track down the source of all the commotion aboard the Orgia. Something about a scroll and a little Dark Wizard, and I must say he is a man of incredible power and wit. BUT I think I have set everything back and in order... I think. Or hope.

Also some other events and activities of note would be the Steam Puffin Form and Function Art Show at the Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation. I attended this with The Emperor of The Red Fork Empire and The Lady of Graves. It was quite the astonishing show I must say, such amazing pieces of work. Of course I happen to go for opening night and the show is going on for 6 months so you all should take some time and go check it out. Special thanks to Bruce and Melanie Rosenbaum of ModVic who curated the whole thing.

Also, the other day The Lady of Graves and I happened across a wonderful Tea Party at the amazing Mark Twain House in Hartford, CT. The Tea was put on by Miss Kitty and was a huge success! The rumor buzzing around the Tea is that this was only the first of many events to be hosted there. 

Oh what a time, and we are not done yet. The year still holds many happenings for The Legion, so keep your eyes peeled! 

- The General 

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